This is the question and desire which could everybody have. So i want to fulfill your desire by explaining that How to Hack Wifi Password with updated trick 2017.
Wifi Hacking include Password recovery and password bypass (WPA/WPA2 - WPA2 PSK etc).
First of all You Need a Wifi Router and then follow the steps given below:
> Steps:
- Open Terminal by pressing the shortcut key (CTRL + ALT + T).
- Then Type "airmon-ng".
- This command will list all the wireless Cards which are attached with the PC at that time.
- We want to stop our Wireless Monitor Mode By typing the command "airmon-ng stop wlan0".
- Now, after this we are ready to capture the Wireless network around us.
- By Running "airodump-ng wlan0", Our Pc start capturing the data of other Wireless networks.
- And then Command will easily help you to access to another wireless networks.