Monday, 6 March 2017

How To Hack Wifi Password Updated Trick 2017

Posted By: Faisal Mukhtar - 01:09:00

This is the question and desire which could everybody have. So i want to fulfill your desire by explaining that How to Hack Wifi Password with updated trick 2017.
Wifi Hacking include Password recovery and password bypass (WPA/WPA2 - WPA2 PSK etc).
First of all You Need a Wifi Router and then follow the steps given below:

> Steps:
  1. Open Terminal by pressing the shortcut key (CTRL + ALT + T).
  2. Then Type "airmon-ng".
  3. This command will list all the wireless Cards which are attached with the PC at that time.
  4. We want to stop our Wireless Monitor Mode By typing the command "airmon-ng stop wlan0".
  5. Now, after this we are ready to capture the Wireless network around us.
  6. By Running "airodump-ng wlan0", Our Pc start capturing the data of other Wireless networks.
  7. And then Command will easily help you to access to another wireless networks.

Designed By Faisal Mukhtar.