Click Here To Download Pak HD Media Player
This Player Has Been Created By Faisal Mukhtar. Faisal Mukhtar is the Programs Developer and recently, he joined the Microsoft Developing Program in America. He created this this unique Player for you in order to get you an advance option to control. This player is created in Visual Studio Basic 2012 which gives us the opportunity to make any type of programing files or setup an own softwares. Further you can make any type of form using C# , js, visual Basic (.vb), C Sharp (.cs) any in many other format.
1.When you installed this Software, an icon is automatically generated on your desktop by name "Built".
2. Kindly Check Whole software and its button either these are working or not
3. If you want to uninstall this software, so go to "add or remove program", you will see the software namely "Setup1" whose publisher is Faisal Mukhtar (Me). Then right click on Setup1 and easily uninstall from there.